Essential Interview Questions you should know in 2023

Admission interviews are often an important part of the application process for universities and colleges. The specific questions asked can vary depending on the institution and program, but here are some essential admission interview questions you should be prepared to answer in 2023:

Tell me about yourselfThis is often an opening question where you can provide a brief overview of your background, education, and interests.

Certainly! Here’s an example response to the “Tell me about yourself” question:

“I’m a highly motivated and dedicated individual with a passion for technology and a strong background in computer science. I completed my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science from [Your University] in 2020, where I developed a solid foundation in programming, software development, and database management.

During my undergraduate studies, I had the opportunity to work on several meaningful projects, including designing a mobile application that streamlined the process of tracking and reducing food waste. This experience ignited my interest in creating technology solutions that address real-world problems.

Why do you want to study at this institution

Be prepared to discuss what specifically attracts you to the school and its programs.

When answering the question, “Why do you want to study at this institution?” in an interview or application, it’s essential to demonstrate your genuine interest in the school and how it aligns with your academic and career goals. Here’s a sample response:

“I have a strong desire to study at [Institution Name] because of its outstanding reputation in [mention the relevant field, e.g., engineering, business, or the specific program you’re interested in]. After conducting extensive research, I was impressed by several key factors that make this institution my top choice.

First and foremost, the academic excellence at [Institution Name] is renowned in [mention the specific area of study or industry]. The faculty’s expertise and the rigor of the curriculum are well-regarded, and I believe that enrolling in [Program Name] here would provide me with a comprehensive and cutting-edge education.

What are your academic and career goals

Explain your long-term and short-term objectives and how the program aligns with these goals.

When discussing your academic and career goals, it’s important to be clear, specific, and demonstrate a sense of purpose. Here’s a sample response:

“My academic and career goals are deeply rooted in my passion for [mention your field or area of interest]. I’ve always been fascinated by [mention specific aspects of your field that interest you], and this curiosity has driven me to pursue a career that allows me to make a meaningful impact.

In the short term, my academic goal is to complete a [mention your degree, e.g., Master’s in Economics] at [Name of University] to build a solid foundation of knowledge and skills in my field. During my studies, I plan to [mention any specific academic achievements or projects you hope to accomplish, e.g., conduct research on [specific topic] or achieve a GPA of [desired GPA]).

Can you describe your academic achievements and experiences

Highlight relevant coursework, research, or extracurricular activities.

Certainly, here’s an example response to the question, “Can you describe your academic achievements and experiences?”

“Throughout my academic journey, I’ve been fortunate to have a range of achievements and experiences that have shaped my educational path and fueled my passion for [mention your field or area of interest].

One of my most significant achievements was graduating with honors from [mention your undergraduate institution], where I earned my Bachelor of Science in [mention your major]. This accomplishment required a strong commitment to maintaining a high GPA, and it reflects my dedication to academic excellence

What are your strengths and weaknesses

Focus on how your strengths can benefit the program and how you’re actively working on improving your weaknesses.

When discussing your strengths and weaknesses, it’s important to provide a balanced and honest assessment of your attributes. Here’s a sample response:


  1. Adaptability: I consider adaptability as one of my strengths. I’m open to change and can quickly adjust to new situations, which is particularly valuable in rapidly evolving academic and professional environments.
  2. Analytical Skills: My strong analytical skills enable me to break down complex problems, gather relevant data, and make well-informed decisions. This ability has been instrumental in both my academic and professional work.
  3. Teamwork: I excel in team environments and value collaboration. I’m an effective team player who actively listens to others’ ideas, offers my input, and works together to achieve common goals.
  4. Time Management: I am skilled at managing my time and resources efficiently. This enables me to balance multiple responsibilities and meet deadlines consistently.


  1. Impatience with Detail: Sometimes, I tend to focus on the big picture and may overlook small details. I recognize that attention to detail is crucial, and I’m actively working on improving in this area.
  2. Public Speaking Anxiety: Although I’m a strong communicator in smaller settings, I sometimes experience nervousness when speaking in front of larger audiences. I’ve been taking public speaking courses to address this weakness and build my confidence.
  3. Delegation: I sometimes struggle to delegate tasks, as I like to maintain control over my work. I understand that delegation is important for efficiency and growth, and I’m learning to trust others more and share responsibilities.
  4. Perfectionism: I have high standards for myself, which can lead to perfectionism. While this drives me to produce high-quality work, it can also cause undue stress. I’ve been working on finding a balance between striving for excellence and recognizing when ‘good’ is enough.

It’s essential to highlight how you’re actively working on addressing your weaknesses and how they may also have a positive side or be balanced by your strengths. This demonstrates your self-awareness and commitment to personal and professional growth.

Why should we admit you over other candidates

Be prepared to showcase what makes you unique and how you can contribute to the school community.

When responding to the question, “Why should we admit you over other candidates?” during an interview or in an application, it’s crucial to emphasize your unique qualities, skills, and experiences that set you apart. Here’s a sample response:

“First and foremost, I believe my strong academic background and relevant experiences make me a strong candidate for admission. My solid track record of [mention specific academic achievements, such as GPA, research projects, or awards] demonstrates my commitment to excellence in my field. Furthermore, my experience as [mention any relevant work or research experience] has equipped me with practical skills that I can apply directly to the program.

What truly sets me apart is my [mention unique qualities or experiences that differentiate you]. For instance, my dedication to [mention a specific cause, project, or area of interest] has allowed me to [mention specific achievements or contributions, such as volunteering, leadership, or innovation]. This passion not only demonstrates my commitment to positive change but also reflects the values and mission of [Name of University].

What do you hope to gain from this program

Discuss your expectations and how the program will help you achieve your goals.

When discussing what you hope to gain from a program, it’s important to convey your specific goals and how the program aligns with your aspirations. Here’s a sample response:

“I have several distinct goals that I hope to achieve through this program. First and foremost, I aim to deepen my knowledge and expertise in [mention your area of study or the program’s focus]. The curriculum and resources offered by this program provide an ideal environment for me to expand my understanding and skills in this field. I’m eager to explore [mention specific subjects or areas of interest] and leverage this knowledge in my future endeavors.

Secondly, I see this program as an opportunity to engage in meaningful research and practical applications. I hope to collaborate with esteemed faculty and fellow students to work on [mention your research interests or specific projects], addressing real-world challenges and contributing to advancements in the field. I believe these experiences will not only enrich my academic journey but also have a positive impact on the industry.

How do you handle stress or pressure

Provide examples of how you’ve managed stressful situations.

Handling stress or pressure effectively is an important skill, and when asked about it in an interview or application, you can demonstrate your ability to manage stress with a thoughtful response. Here’s a sample answer:

“I believe that stress and pressure are natural aspects of both academic and professional life. I’ve developed several strategies to manage these challenges effectively.

  1. Time Management: One of my primary stress management techniques is effective time management. I break tasks into smaller, manageable steps, set priorities, and create a schedule or to-do list. This approach helps me stay organized and reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed.
  2. Mental Resilience: I maintain a positive mindset and focus on the big picture. I remind myself that stress is a temporary challenge and that I have the skills and resources to overcome it. This perspective helps me stay motivated and maintain a sense of control.
  3. Communication: I’m not hesitant to seek support or clarification when facing stressful situations. Whether it’s talking to a professor, a supervisor, or a colleague, I believe that open and clear communication is vital for addressing challenges effectively and seeking guidance.

Do you have any questions for us

Prepare thoughtful questions about the program, campus, or any other aspects of the institution that you’re curious about.

It’s important to remember that the specific questions can vary, and you should tailor your answers to match the institution and program you’re applying to. Additionally, be sure to research the school thoroughly and practice your responses to these questions to help you feel confident during the interview.

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